Aeon Information
Aeons Page The purpose of a summoner's pilgrimage is to visit each temple in Spira. The summoner must go to the chamber of Fayth and pray to the Fayth for a supernatural being known as an aeon.
Summoning Aeons
After Yuna has entered a temple and received the aeon, it can be summoned in battle. Yuna must pass the cloister of trials before entering the chamber of Fayth.
The aeon is summoned to perform devastating attacks, and its overdrive is a attack to be reckoned with. An aeon is powerful, but you may hate waiting for the aeon to come because of its intro. To fix that go to the Config Menu and choose short on aeon intro.
Other Aeon Commands
Press RIGHT on the direction Pad. There should be three choices Shield, Boost and Dismiss. These commands can be used on any turn.
SHIELD- You take ¼ the normal damage taken from a physical or magical attack, but sadly your overdrive gauge wont increase.
BOOST- This attack causes the aeon to take more damage than it original would receive, but it cause the overdrive gauge to increase twice as much. I suggest using this on a weak enemy.
DISMISS- Causes the aeon to leave the battle. All actions that took place while the aeon was in play only counts towards Yuna's turn.
Aeon Abilities
Once you receive the Summoner's Soul, you can use items from your inventory to teach your aeons new abilities. This does not only mean black magic. Once you have Summoner's Soul, an aeon can learn any ability you could learn off the sphere grid.
The Exception to the Rule
You cannot teach Yojimbo or the Magus Sisters any abilities. Not that you need to.
Aeon Attributes
You can increase aeons' attributes once you get the Aeon's Soul. The attributes you can increase are HP, MP, Strength, Defense, Magic, Magic Defense, Agility, Luck, Evasion and Accuracy. The higher the aeons attributes are, the more spheres it costs to upgrade.
Aeon Fighting Tips
Aeons are useful in boss battles to shield the party from high- damage attacks. Their overdrives inflict lots of damage, but the long recovery sometimes-mean death to the aeons.
Since aeons are immune to almost every status effect, summon them to fight fiends such as Ochu, Mandragora and Malboro.
Element aeons can heal themselves with their own element magic like Shiva, Ixion and Ifrit.
Usually, air fiends are hard to hit unless you use Wakka's blitzball or Lulu's magic. But aeons' attacks have a special ability where it can always hit the enemy.
If an enemy is about to unleash a powerful attack, summon an aeon and use Shield to protect the party from the attack.
Ability Item Required
Dark Attack Smoke Bomb (x6)
Silence Attack Silence Grenade (x3)
Sleep Attack Sleeping powder (x3)
Dark Buster Smoke Bomb (x12)
Silence Buster Silence Grenade (x10)
Sleep Buster Sleeping Powder (x10)
Delay Attack Silver Hourglass (x20)
Delay Buster Gold Hourglass (x30)
Zombie Attack Holy Water (x99)
Triple Foul Skill Sphere (x4)
Power Break Stamina Spring (x8)
Magic Break Mana Spring (x4)
Armor Break Lv.2 Key Sphere (x2)
Mental Break Shining Thorn (x4)
Pray Healing Water (x5)
Cheer Power Sphere (x5)
Aim Speed Sphere (x5)
Focus Mana Sphere (x10)
Reflex Speed Sphere (x10)
Scan Ability Sphere (x10)
Luck Fortune Sphere (x2)
Jinx Fortune Sphere (x2)
Lancet Soul Spring (x20)
Doublecast Three Stars (x5)
Cure Hi-Potion (x99)
Cura X-Potion (x30)
Curaga Mega Potion (x60)
NulBlaze Bomb Fragment (x2)
NulShock Electro Marble (x2)
NulTide Fish Scale (x2)
NulFrost Antarctic Wind (x2)
Life Elixir (x8)
Full-Life Megalixir (x1)
Haste Chocobo Feathers (x10)
Hastega Chocobo Wings (x10)
Slow Silver Hourglass (x4)
Slowaga Gold Hourglass (x8)
Shell Lunar Curtain (x4)
Protect Light Curtain (x6)
Reflect Star Curtain (x3)
Dispel Purifying Salt (x3)
Regen Healing Springs (x50)
Holy Blessed Gem (x60)
Fire Bomb Fragment (x1)
Thunder Electro Marble (x1)
Water Fish Scale (x1)
Blizzard Antarctica Wind (x1)
Fira Bomb Core (x2)
Thundara Lightning Marble (x2)
Watera Dragon Scale (x2)
Blizzara Arctic Wind (x2)
Firaga Fire Gem (x4)
Thundaga Lightning Gem (x4)
Wateraga Water Gem (x4)
Blizzaga Ice Gem (x4)
Bio Poison Fang (x8)
Demi Shadow Gem (x8)
Drain Stamina Spring (x60
Osmose Moon Spring (x10)
Death Farplane Shadow (x30)
Flare Shining Gem (x60)
Ultima Supreme Gem (x99)
Location Acquired- Besaid Temple
This aerial based aeon dodges most ground based attacks.
Valefors attack is a quick, snatching motion enhanced by the aeon’ s high accuracy
Unique Attack: Sonic Wings
Valefor’ s unique attack sends a shockwave at an enemy, dealing damage to it, and delaying it its turn. This can be a very helpful for brute enemies like a Malboro.
Overdrive: Energy Ray, Energy Blast
Valefor’ s energy ray is a super-charged, none elemental beam. Once Yuna joins, your party goes to Besaid and talk to the little girl standing by the dog by the temple. She will give you an item that gives you Energy Blast.
Once Yuna’ s legendary weapon, the Nirvana is activated all of Valefor’ s attacks can break the 9999 damage limits.
Location Acquired: Kilika Temple
Ifrit has amazing strength, but is low on defense and magic defense. Ifrit can regain HP by casting its own black magic element (Fire, Fira, Firaga) on itself. Obviously, Ifrit does best against Ice fiends.
Unique Atack: Meteor Strike
Meteor Strike is a Flaming meteor that does non-elemental damage to the enemy, but takes longer to recover from than a regular attack. I would stick to a regular attack then meteor strike. But if you are facing an enemy with protect on, use this attack since it penetrates the shield despite it being a physical attack.
Overdrive: Hellfire
Ifrit encases its enemies in a swirling fiery ball of vengeance and detonates it for massive damage to all enemies, All of Ifrit’ s attacks can exceed 9999HP damage once you have activated Wakka’ s legendary weapon, World Champion.
Location Acquired: Djose Temple
Ixion’ s high defense and magic defense make it a good aeon to summon when a big attack is about to strike the party
Unique Attack: Aerospark
Ixion fires spinning razors from its devastating horn to deal non-elemental damage. This attack also negates magical effects like Protect, Shell, Reflect, Haste, Regen and the Null spells.
Overdrive: Thor’ s Hammer
Ixion envelops all enemies in a storming vortex, and then disintegrates it. Lightning based elemental damage is inflicted on all enemies. Ixion can inflict more than 9999HP damage once you have activated Kimarhi’s legendary weapon, Spirit Lance.
Location Acquired: Macalania Temple
The Queen of Ice is a remarkable sight and an agile attacker.
Unique Attack: Heavenly Strike
Shiva creates a giant block of ice and drops it on the enemy. The attack slightly delays the next turn, do non-elemental damage, and the status ailment threatens.
Overdrive: Diamond Dust
Shiva freezes all enemies in a layer of ice, and then destroys everything by making the simplest of gestures. A cold snap of her fingers. All of Shiva’ s attacks can pass deal more than 9999HP damage once Lulu’s legendary weapon the Onion Knight is activated.
Location Acquired: Palace of St. Bevelle
Bahamat posses the auto- ability Break Damage Shell. This enables his attacks to surface the 9999HP damage limit from the start. Bahamat has High Strength, Defense and Magic attributes.
Unique Attack: Impulse
Bahamat charges up four dark balls of energy and hurl them at the enemies. Impulse hits multiple units as well as only one.
Overdrive: Mega Flare
Bahamat anchors itself into the ground, and prepares the most ultimate Mega Flare you have seen since Final Fantasy 7,Dealing over 9999HP damage and will consistently keep growing stronger.
Location Acquired: Cavern of Stolen Fayth
More information in Secrets Page
Unique Attack: Daigoro, Kozuka, Wakizashi, Zanmato
Yojimbo does not’ have selectable attacks or Overdrives. As a mercenary, he will attack with different techniques depending on how much you pay (The higher you pay, the more damage). He can exceed the 9999HP damage limit once Auron’ s Masamune is activated.
Location: Baaj Temple
Anima is seen first as Seymour’s Chilling aeon. But it is possible to acquire this brute. More info on getting Anima in the Secrets Page.
Unique Attack: Pain
Anima gathers the 9 unholy traits Vulgar, Misery, Anguish, Greed, Hatred, Envy, Loath, Death, Pain, into a single strike to unleash upon a single enemy. If it is on a minor enemy, and it does not kill them from its awesome power, it has a chance of instant death. Pain has a high recovery time.
Overdrive: Oblivion
Anima summons a demon from the underworld to deal multiple non-elemental damage.
The Magus Sisters
Location Acquired: Remiem Temple
This trio made a previous introduction in Final Fantasy 4.More info into getting this powerful trio in the secrets page. This is the most powerful aeon you could choose. They are three different aeons for you to control in one.
Unique Attack: Camisade, Razzia, Passado
Depending on the action you choose, they might do this.
Cindy’ s Camisade shoots blades of fire at an enemy
Sandy’ s Razzia launches her onto the target
Mindy’ s Passado shoots 15 stingers at the enemy (This is the strongest since with proper equipment, you could make each stinger do 9999Damage, That’s around 149,985 Damage) this is mostly a theory so do not be sad if it does not work.LLL
Overdrive: Delta Attack
The three sisters combine their powers to deal 99,999HP damage right when you get them.
Commanding the Sisters
Do what you Will
Sisters make the choice. Other options open
Sisters perform regular attack
Go! Go!
Sisters Perform Regular or Unique Attack
One More Time
Sisters repeat last action performed
Sisters cast protective or support magic
Help Each Other!
Sisters use healing magic on each other
Sisters leave battlefield